Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A New Advent

Every year I jump on the most recent Advent band wagon.  Sometimes it's good.  Sometimes our best intentions fizzle.  But, I think we've covered them all!  This year, knowing the kids aren't here every night, I wasn't sure what to do.  All afternoon Sunday (1st official day of Advent) I was silently wondering...

I went to my bookshelf, as a book-lover/hoarder is known to do on occasion, and chewed my lower lip for about ten seconds.  I touched the Christmas books, running my fingers across the shelf full and found myself pulling out this book:

Though I've never read this, I've had it for years and have heard wonderful things about it.  It seems to me, there is no better time to read a classic family story than now!  

Advent, as a preparation for the celebration of the birth of Christ, is worth celebrating, no matter the method.  We'll also follow along with some Advent scripture readings, lighting our Advent candle ring, singing and praying together. 

What are your plans for celebrating Advent?


EEEEMommy said...

I don't have that one...had to add it to the wish list. I need to get candles so that we can start Advent. I'm not in the mood yet. I'm hoping the doing of Advent puts me in the mood. I'm afraid that if I wait, I won't ever be in the mood, and we'll just miss out this year.

Mandi said...

We read this one last year and LOVED it! So sweet! Enjoy reading it with your kiddos, Melissa - may your Christmas be beautiful dear friend! ♥
